Air tube systems provide rapid, cost effective and efficient movement of a wide range of samples, components, documents and cash within the tube work. Innovative, computerised, and multi-stationed transfer systems provide secure transportation within buildings and/or across entire sites. This system is ideally suited to the South African high-risk environments in that it facilitates the swift movement of cash from point of sale to a secure cash area, thereby greatly reducing the risk of theft and attack. The division is certified under ISO 9003 which is a first for the industry, and ensures the quality conscious customer of a top quality installation – paramount to the success of the system
- Air tubes are an easy way to provide security
- The benefits include peace-of-mind for staff, knowing that large amounts of cash are no longer in their registers or being wheeled around with the associated security and risk
- Can’t intercept a carrier whilst in transit, system travels at approximately 6 meters per second
- No armed security required
- Customer friendly
- Cost effective
- No time schedule which needs to be adhered to, potential thieves would not be able to predict time of sending
- Potential risk in transporting cash from one place to another is avoided
- Reduces potential risk to staff
Air Tubes Instant Transfers
- Transfers are no longer governed by preset pick-ups which can interrupt and annoy customers
- The Cashair enables any operator to transfer cash whenever they require. There are no interruptions to customer transactions and cash accumulation need no longer occur
Quick, Quiet, Simple, and Effective
- The carriers are designed for ease of handling and there is nothing extra to do to activate the system, its always on
- The operator simply inserts the carrier into their station and its gone. No fuss, no noise, quiet, quick and totally secure
- Cashier systems are being installed by major national retailers, and banks
- Hospitals are exploring the Cashier system for the quick transfer of vials and samples
Pneumatic Tube System
- Carriers
Every carrier has swivel lids on both ends and a transparent body. The carriers are provided with transponders on both sides. The transponders are programmed with a unique ID, home address and possibly also with a fixed target address.
- Shop/Bank Stations
These stations are “End- stations” and have to be used at the tube end coming from a diverter. All stations have an automatic dispatch magazine for one carrier, also equipped with an antenna to read the carriers transponder information. The receiving carriers are retarded by means of an air cushion and will finally be unloaded to the basket after ID check through antenna. User identification through pin code or smart card can be activated.
- Vault Stations
Send station (110/160mm) is a multi-send station with 3 dispatch magazines. Every magazine has an antenna to read the carriers home address. Carriers will be sent automatically to the home address (shop), no dialling of targets is necessary. Receiving stations (110/160mm) are basically motor slide valves, installed in the in-vault safe. They are equipped with antennas to read the carrier ID at reception.
- Central Control Unit
Power Control All–in-One, is a control PC based on Linux and a server PC (Windows7) combined in one device. Available with 8, 16 or 24 bus-lines. Software used is our PC-Edit and related plug- ins. PC-Edit is created by Sumetzberger and platform independent.
Software Features
- Visulisation and Editor
Software for editing, configuration and monitoring of the entire Pneumatic Tube System. Configuration of the system is done via Graphic Editor by drag and drop of component icons. The software is working platform independent (Windows, Linux and MAC OS X). Real-time access to the system is possible for every authorized workstation connected to the in-house IT system. The system program is generated automatically from the created system isometrics.
- Line Control Software
Software for control of the individual sending and receiving lines.
- History and Evalution
Software for tabular and graphic evaluation of the collected data of all transports. The data can be stored on a separate database server. The evaluation and follow up of the data is possible with every standard spread sheet program.
- Code Tag Software
Software for allocation of home and/or destination addresses, carrier identity, as well as carrier priorities.
- Risk Management
Software for allocation of special user rights and user identifications.
- Scheduler
Software for scheduled events like shut down of stations during certain times or rerouting of targets to other stations.
- Maintenance Software
Software for automatic monitoring of maintenance intervals of carriers and stations. To ensure the continuous maintenance of the carriers, the metres travelled of every single carrier are recorded and after a certain number the carrier will be unloaded to a service place.
- End-to-End Check
At place of reception the carriers ID will be identified and compared with carriers ID at dispatch station. If this doesn’t match, the user will get information through monitoring.
- Malfunction Reporting
Software for automatic notification of system failure reports. The information of malfunctions reports can automatically be sent via E-mail or SMS.